Arts at St Mark’s

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For us at St Mark’s, music and drama are wonderful ways of meeting each other, of engaging with the deeper questions, and exploring faith. Our wide ranging events bring people together both within the church and the wider community, Over the years we’ve produced and hosted plays, musicals, revues, film evenings, concerts, choral extravanganzas, organathons and much more besides.

Upcoming Events:

Henrietta’s War

On Friday, 10th May, St Mark’s Arts Events and New Company Productions present a preview of HENRIETTA’S WAR, a new play by Lorraine Morley directed by Gloria Milne.
7 pm Doors open for refreshments
7.30 The show starts
8.30 Questions and Answers session with actor and director
The play is a dramatisation of the fictional account of the trials of a GP’s wife in a Devon seaside town in World War Two. Joyce Dennys, a professional cartoonist and illustrator, created Henrietta for The Sketch and through her engages with the absurdist and harsh realities of wartime.
Contributions welcome as a Pay As You Decide system after the show.

Past events:

Canterbury Tales

Joy and energy came to us in March when the multi-talented cast and crew of Half Cut Theatre brought us their new production of The Canterbury Tales. Four performers, all brilliant actors, musicians and dancers, brought Chaucer’s stories of human frailty to hilarious life. We saw our modern life of greed, debauchery and the battle for power portrayed by the Pardoner, the Miller and the Wife of Bath. And who could forget the preening Chanticleer’s glorious coxcomb represented by a bright yellow rubber glove? Supported by Arts Council England and a Pay As You Decide ticketing system Half Cut Theatre started their East Anglia and Home Counties tour in February and ended it on 7th April in Canterbury. We are very fortunate they included us in this venture and do hope they come again.

Desert Island Picks

Another in our occasional series of conversations with members of the St Mark’s community was held on Saturday 24th February at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Hosted by Mike Thompson, the evening saw Alison Rose and Nick Warburton choosing music and readings.

Birds and Beasts

The Birds and Beasts words and music evening in January 2024 was warmly received and was a delightful reminder of things to come as the bleak winter days give way to the lively sounds and sights of nature.  Nick Warburton’s programme provided a range of moods for our talented in- house performers and the interval mulled wine gave everyone a chance to catch up after the Christmas holiday.

Fire from Heaven

Some years ago we were delighted when Andrew Harrison came to St Mark’s with Mr Darwin’s Tree, a one-man play written by Murray Watts. Since then Andrew has performed the play in many countries throughout the world including China, Korea, and the United States.

Both writer and actor are now being celebrated with their brilliant new show which illuminates the career of Michael Faraday, the religious non-conformist and largely self-taught physicist, whose innovative scientific research formed the foundation of electric motor technology.

This compelling piece of storytelling and mesmerising acting was presented at St Mark’s on Friday 7th July at 7.30pm.

St Mark’s hosted a book launch for Richard Bauckham’s poetry collection, ‘Tumbling into Light’. Pictured is Jeremy Begbie in conversation with Richard Bauckham.

Radius Festival of New Plays

St Mark’s was delighted to host the 2022 Radius festival.  The event was open to all who are interested in how drama can present issues of faith and belief and all the mysteries and paradoxes of being human.  There were specially commissioned dramas, panel discussion and shared meals.

Radius is the religious drama society of Great Britain. They are a volunteer-run, ecumenical charity, bringing together people with a shared interest in religious drama – this they define broadly as not only drama about religious stories, but that which “illuminates the human condition”, to quote their second president, E. Martin Browne. They do not mount their own productions but work with local groups who ask for assistance in putting on a performance or festival event. Check out their website for more information:

Radius Festival of New Drama – promotional video.