Lighting Appeal

Your Parish Church needs help. We have to update our lighting. It is over 40 years old – an inflexible mixture of four different systems with separate switches, none dimmable. We have lamps which are obsolete and use too much electricity. They are high up and volunteers can no longer maintain them. Moreover, they do not light the whole church well. We have dominant chandeliers at the centre but dark spaces around.

During the last one and a half years we have prepared a comprehensive brief, engaged a designer from the Norwich Architectural Lighting Company and invited tenders.

The design we have adopted removes all the existing lighting and replaces it with one wireless installation. We will have warm white ambient lighting, some touching the roof, and feature lighting which will illuminate key features of the interior, all controlled and dimmed from one switch.

Our services, and the plays and concerts we produce, will benefit from much greater lighting flexibility. Film and video will be much easier. The scheme will reduce our carbon footprint and greatly enhance the appearance of the church.

On present information the transformation will cost between £45,000 and £50,000 at 2024 prices including vat. This is the target of our Appeal. Some who have been following our progress have already made generous pledges. We are a generous congregation giving £8,000 to £10,000 every year to good causes but this target is a big challenge for us. Please help us as generously as you can. We need over 30 new lamps. Could you pay for one lamp, which costs between £150 and £200, or even two. A good way to remember a loved one. With your help we can start the work in Summer 2024.

There are 4 different ways to donate to support this Appeal:

  1. Online to CAF Bank Ltd

    Account name: St Mark’s Church, Newnham
    Sort Code: 40-52-40
    Account number: 00019664

    [Please note that some banks are unable to verify our account name because it is too long but if you override this using the Sort Code and Account number given above it will work. If you need confirmation of receipt, please contact the treasurer by email.]

    Online payment is the preferred way as it does not incur any fees for the church. 
    Gift Aid can be claimed where there is a Gift Aid Declaration already held by the church or if requesting to do so by email to
  2. Using the QR Code on the Appeal leaflet. This directs you to ‘Give-a-Little’ and a screen where you can decide how much to donate. There is an option to Gift Aid the donation, however, if by chance you miss that opportunity, please email the treasurer and request that Gift Aid is claimed on the donation (please give details of amount and date donated)
  3. You can donate via our ‘Give-a-Little’ Campaign by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. Once on that page, there will be an opportunity for you to choose how much you would like to donate. There is an option to Gift Aid the donation, however, if by chance you miss that opportunity, please email the treasurer and request that Gift Aid is claimed on the donation (please give details of amount and date donated)
  4. By cheque payable to St Mark’s Church, Newnham and delivered/posted to:

          St Mark’s Church, Barton Road, Cambridge, CB3 9JZ 
  5. If you need further help please email our treasurer on Further contact details can be found in Seek.

Visiting this link will allow you to donate via our ‘Give-a-Little’ Campaign: Lighting Appeal.